Saturday, October 6, 2007

My little motocrosser..

Well, today I took Shane to see his first race. This particular type of racing is a mixture of motocross and trail riding, so it's kind of the best of both worlds. I've always been a motocross rider, but I have raced this type of race and enjoy it as well.

So, Shane got to meet lots of people that I've known for a long time. These people are a great bunch to hang around and it's just a wonderful atmosphere for families. Everyone helps everyone else, and kids have a lot of freedom out there. It's out where you are not close to the city, and it's a "family" kind of feeling.

Well, he had a great time playing with his new friend, but taking him definitely gave him the racing bug! He was disappointed that he wasn't out riding his bike like his new friend, but hopefully that will give him the motivation to work hard and learn to ride safely. That was my biggest concern before I will allow him to race and I explained that to him. He knows how to ride now, and does a good job, but sometimes, his judgment is a bit lacking, so I need to make sure he's going to ride safely before I'll let him on a race course.

One thing that absolutely puzzled me today was this. He was playing with his new friend. She's the same age as him and they got along well. They did all of the exact same things as each other, but when they came over towards the end of the day, Shane was FILTHY and Ashley, well, you would never have guessed that she had been out at a motocross track with the LACK of dirt on her. I asked Shane how he got so dirty and he said "I don't just gets me!" I think that's true! Dirt seeks him out!! I was able to get him cleaned up a bit so that we could at least drive home, but it just made me laugh at just HOW dirty he really was!!

But, he had a great time out there and is now in a hurry to go practice so that he can do his first race, and hopefully earn a trophy!

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