Monday, October 1, 2007

God gave me a bad life...

It's amazing how quickly the statement can go from "This is the greatest day EVER!" to "God gave you guys good lives and me a bad one!" That all came from the fact that this weekend, Shane has gotten to do a LOT of fun stuff. He's been a very busy kid! He's played and played until you'd think he couldn't play any more. Well, that was not the case.

Last night, when it was time to start getting ready for bed, Shane decided he still hadn't had enough play time and asked if he could stay up and watch TV after his bath. I told him no because it was a school day tomorrow. This is the exact same routine we've followed since the day he moved in, but yesterday just happened to be such a FUN day that he didn't want it to end.

He started to pitch a fit. We let him have his little fit (it wasn't too bad..) and we just were going to let him cool down when we hear him holler... "God gave you guys good lives and me a bad one!" We just about busted out laughing! When we finally went in to talk to him he said "IT's not fair! You guys get to tell me what time to go to bed but I don't get to tell you guys that!" We just tried not to laugh and said "You are right!" He didn't expect that answer and he pretty much just dropped it.

He just makes me laugh how drastically life can change in the blink of an eye!

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