Tuesday, May 1, 2007

The Sky is Falling!!

Have you ever had a day where nothing seemed to go your way? No one in the world could say anything to make it better and no one could do anything do improve the situation. Well, I believe my son had one of those days today.

Daycare...well, there are days when I or my husband go to pick up my son and everything is peachy keen, and other days when you'd think the world was going to end. Today, Chicken Little came to visit because the sky was definitely falling.

The kids had been playing outside and it was extremely humid today, so Shane was soaking wet when he got home. The smell that came from that little boy could have filled a men's locker room at the YMCA! So, we told him to take a quick shower before dinner so that we could have a nice relaxing evening. You'd think we asked him to do a 150 page research paper on the reproduction habits of mealworms! The battle that ensued that evening was epic to say the least!

But, when all was said and done. The battle wounds had been mended and the smoke cleared from the battle field, we had a very clean little boy with the sweetest tiny voice holding us close and saying "I love you mom and dad and I'm sorry I got so upset." He ate his dinner, we read his bedtime story and said our night time prayers. He fell fast asleep knowing that he had a soft warm bed to sleep in, parents who loved him and if he came home that stinky again, he would definitely STILL take a shower!

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