Saturday, June 7, 2008

I Am Legend...

Sitting here just a few minutes ago, Shane turns to me and says "mom, you are a legend in my mind!" I'm thinking, "wow, how incredible am I?!" Then I ask him to explain a legend and he proceeds to tell me that a legend is simply someone who is remembered for something they do very well. So, Shane tells me that I have 3 things I will be a legend for: 1) riding dirtbikes 2) scrapbooking 3) music/singing. I was sure hoping that an awesome mom was going to be in that list, but oh well!

Then Shane tells me that he is a legend as well and his things are: 1) art 2) music/singing 3) rock collecting. Then, a bit later, he adds that he should probably have a 4th one as well and that would be dirt biking. But, then he decided that since he really didn't like to ride a dirt bike, that he probably shouldn't be a legend of that.

His dad, well, that one was obvious. His dad is a legend in: 1) streetbiking 2) gun stuff 3) collecting stuff.."like going to China and finding cool stuff to have sitting all over the place." We then talk about how amazing it is that he seems to have legendary stuff in common with both me and his dad. He says "wow, that is amazing!"

What a kid!!!

1 comment:

Allette said...

Okay, Mrs. Legend, let's continue the saga in my scrapbook room soon!