Saturday, August 9, 2008

New Job

Well, on Monday I embark on my new career path with Leander ISD. I am excited about this new adventure, but also just a bit apprehensive. Will I be what they expect? I hope not. I hope to be much much more than what they are expecting.

I am going to be working in a capacity that I have never worked before. I will be attending ARD meetings and working more with parents and staff than actual direct contact with the kids. I must admit to being a bit sad about this. I love my students and working directly with them, so this change is one that I am sad about, but I know I will be working to touch even more kids in this new role.

So, Monday morning will be my first day. I certainly hope it is all that I hope for it to be and much much more. I hope to use my talents and abilities to improve what is already there, and to simply build upon the work that has already been begun there.

Well, I guess I will post soon and we will see how things are going!!


Allette said...

I'm sure you are already rocking your new job :)

Allette said...

You've been tagged! Refer to my blog for instructions :D
