Wednesday, April 25, 2007
 | His smile... I never knew that a little boy's smile could make me feel so many different things. His beautiful eyes light up the room!
I sit next to him and listen to his tiny voice...he's so incredible. He may bounce off the walls at times, and then he sits down and cuddles up next to me.....he looks up and with those beautiful green eyes...he smiles.
My heart....I'm quite sure it skips a beat when he looks into my eyes. He's so innocent, yet he as seen things that many adults will never see or experience. But still, he hopes...he hopes that life has now made a turn for the better, no, for the best. He hopes that we are telling him the truth, that we are his forever family. Plain and simply...he hopes....
He has so many questions regarding his future. A little boy should never have to think of the questions that he comes up with, but....God is preparing him, and us. Preparing us all to be an incredible family. A family that God chose and put together for a very special purpose.
And once again, this all brings me back to his smile. It's full of joy, and wonder. It's full of curiosity as well as hope. His beautiful, simple, and pure. His smile is faith. Faith that we will love and care for him more than anyone has ever loved and cared for him ever before. His smile...brings me joy. His smile brings tears to my eyes and puts a smile on my face. His contagious....his smile...well, if I have anything to do with it, I pray that his smile will last forever... |
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