Monday, April 30, 2007

My baby boy...

There are days that you think you just can't take any more when your child is having behavior problems, and then there are tiny things that happen, that make all those feels wash away...

As we were getting ready for school this morning, it was an okay day. We had normal teeth brushing issues (ie, didn't want to), and normal issues regarding exactly how much is too much cereal for breakfast, but otherwise, it was pretty uneventful.

We got in the truck and headed towards daycare as is our normal routine. It was raining outside, so we had to make a mad dash to the truck. We jumped in and all was quiet. We pulled out of the driveway and neither of us spoke. It was just one of those quiet times where we were both calm and I was thinking about the things that needed to happen this week before Steve goes out of town, and Shane was thinking about...well, who knows what he was thinking about but as I looked over into his eyes, it was clear that his mind was occupied at the moment.

We pulled out onto the main road and as usual, he reached over and took my hand. Shane always wants to hold my hand while we are driving down the road. So, we are driving along in silence and he pulls my hand gently to his face and kisses the back of my hand softly. He then kisses 2 more times on my arm. While still holding my hand, he lays my arms on the armrest that is between us and lays his head down on it. I then hear in a very tiny voice..."I love you mommy." I melted...any stress that I was feeling at the moment disappeared and I was surrounded by the love of my little boy.

Jesus...please wrap your arms tightly around my little boy. I pray that his eyes would remain innocent and his love pure. I pray that he knows the peace of having a home and parents of his very own that will not leave him. I pray that he knows that as much as we love and care for him, that he understands that YOU love and care for him a million times more. Protect his heart from the bad things that satan will send his way. Thank you Jesus for sending such a precious child into our home and making us a family.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

His smile...

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

His smile...

I never knew that a little boy's smile could make me feel so many different things. His beautiful eyes light up the room!
I sit next to him and listen to his tiny voice...he's so incredible. He may bounce off the walls at times, and then he sits down and cuddles up next to me.....he looks up and with those beautiful green eyes...he smiles.

My heart....I'm quite sure it skips a beat when he looks into my eyes. He's so innocent, yet he as seen things that many adults will never see or experience. But still, he hopes...he hopes that life has now made a turn for the better, no, for the best. He hopes that we are telling him the truth, that we are his forever family. Plain and simply...he hopes....

He has so many questions regarding his future. A little boy should never have to think of the questions that he comes up with, but....God is preparing him, and us. Preparing us all to be an incredible family. A family that God chose and put together for a very special purpose.

And once again, this all brings me back to his smile. It's full of joy, and wonder. It's full of curiosity as well as hope. His beautiful, simple, and pure. His smile is faith. Faith that we will love and care for him more than anyone has ever loved and cared for him ever before. His smile...brings me joy. His smile brings tears to my eyes and puts a smile on my face. His contagious....his smile...well, if I have anything to do with it, I pray that his smile will last forever...

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Just another day....
Current mood: grateful

Yup, just another day in the life of a mom. I never really understood all the hub-bub about being a "mom" and how many hats you juggle. In just one day, I was an alarm clock, a dry cleaner, a maid, a cook, a taxi driver, a medication handler (this was all before 6:30 AM). Then, I was a medical records keeper, commuter, teacher, friend, commuter, taxi driver, medical assistant, secretary, personal shopper, bmx coach, videographer, cheerleader, EMS personnel, nurse, bicycle mechanic, behavior specialist, chef, babysitter, baseball player, referee, massage therapist, aroma therapy person, clown and court jester wrapped up in one, nanny, book reader, TV rater, and prayer warrior. WOW..I know that is a bit of an exaggeration, but it's just amazing the stuff that a person can accomplish in a short time!

I'm enjoying being a mom. Tonight, Shane sat with me in the "big chair" and we watched a few minutes of survivor together. He snuggled up beside me and I said "are you my boo boo?" (that's what I call him sometimes). he said "I'm yours AND daddy's!!" He was busy giving me kisses all evening and was being very very sweet. He must have said I love you 50 times tonight.

I know there are good days and bad, but tonight....I feel good, and I'm really happy that God chose Shane to be our son.

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Monday, April 09, 2007

Our First Easter

Yesterday, April 8th, 2007 was our first Easter together as a family. With the addition of our son, Shane, we just had to make it a special one. Okay, so I went a bit overboard with the presents, but come on.....when you look at that face, it's just hard not to.

So, he walked out of his door on Easter morning and saw his many toys that the Easter Bunny had left him. Of course, he only "sort of" believes in the Easter Bunny. He knows it's just a guy in a costume, but we decided that since he came to us with that belief, and it wasn't something horrible (heck, I believed in the Easter Bunny)....we decided to let him keep that.

Anyway, he said "I think maybe the guy in the suit at the mall is the one who came to our house." We laughed and told him that we'd be hiding the eggs since when the Easter Bunny came, it was too wet outside and his costume would have gotten all yucky! He laughed.

So, we did our stuff that morning, and then had a short talk about the true reason we celebrate Easter. Shane knows the real reason is Jesus ressurection, but we've talked about it several times just to make sure he knows it's not about the bunny.

We then headed off to church where Shane was performing in his first Easter play. He had 3 lines to say and he did fabulous! He was told to speak up, and boy did he speak up!! The audience laughed, we laughed, and he was happy he had done a good job. At least he did it in his normal voice and not with the tough guy new york accent he'd been practicing with all week.

We came home, had a quick lunch and nap and started hunting the eggs. We had to play the "you're getting hotter/colder" game on a few of them. He was happy, we were happy. After the egg hunt, he went to play with a new friend while we relaxed for a few minutes.

He later came in and we all sat down for a family movie and some popcorn. We watched part of the movie, and then it was bath time for Shane. So, he took his bath and we went to lay down and read our bedtime story and say prayers.

We read some poems by Shel Silverstein and we all said our prayers. Shane was very sweet when he prayed "Thank you for my mommy and daddy. And I pray for Mrs. Ratliff to get better." He's been praying for her, a lady in our church, every day since we heard she was sick.

It was a wonderful first easter together and I cannot wait to scrapbook it!!